1 in 10 kids are on a psychotropic medication
1 in 9 adults over 20 years old have diabetes
1 in 8 deaths are not considered preventable (the rest are)
1 in 7 adults or more are on cholesterol drugs
1 in 6 kids are considered developmentally disabled
1 in 5 pre-adolescents are obese
1 in 4 women are on an anti-depressant
1 in 3 Americans get cancer
1 in 2 people die from their first symptoms of heart disease... a heart attack
The reality is, "I am a statistic." It is not about becoming one, it is about realizing I am one right now... the question is, which one am I?
No one wants to be the "ONE."
If I am going to be the "ONE," I am going to be the one that lives in the balance of the equation. I want to be one of the 4 of the 5 that doesn't ... or the 7 of 8, or the 1 in 2 that you don't hear about because I don't "get it," whatever "it" is.
77% of cancers are preventable. 7 out of 8 deaths are preventable. That means 7 out of 8 people are suffering and dying early and unnecessarily.
Be the statistic that no one hears about, the one that goes through life living fully happily, and enjoying a long and healthy, vibrant life.
How much more will you be, contribute, or offer your family and the world by committing to being healthy, happy, clear minded, and the best version of yourself?
We can always improve. There is no upper limit to health, happiness and fulfillment, but there is a lower limit for sure... don't go there!
Be proactive! Take control of your health! Learn what you need to do in order to stand out from the pack. Be accountable and responsible for your own fate and health and the health of your children. Set your kids up right with the appropriate priorities and example of how to live a whole and healthy life. Seek help BEFORE the need is apparent, and take action when it is. Don't make excuses, don't accept the status quo, do not fall victim of moderation, and don't settle for good enough. Your LIFE depends on it and you can achieve more!
We can do better! Here is to a fantastic day! Share this with someone you care about! Have them call in for a Check-up! Tell your friends!
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