Stress Busters
Technique: Heart RelaxerSet your station to Baroque music (Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Handel, Telemann, Correlli, etc), it is the most effective at reducing stress.
It is impossible to be negative while looking upwards.
Boosts health & happiness.
First place your hand just above your heart, about halfway between the heart and the neck, right on the breastbone. Then make a fist and thump that spot lightly, about 20 times. At the same time, you smile. Not just any old smile but a big grin, which crinkles your eyes. And also put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your upper teeth.
Technique: Brisk Walk or Run
Exercise increases endorphins and makes you feel happy. Go to the beach to do this! No stress is bigger than the immensity of the ocean.
Avoid words like "hurry" "stressed" and "busy"
Instead use words like "relaxed" "easy" and "fun"
A number of research studies have shown that smiling can produce effects on the body that are similar to those that result from the actual emotion of happiness while decreasing symptoms of depression.
Chiropractic adjustments release stored stress and make it easier to deal with life!
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