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The Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet
   Sugar & Carbs 101
a.       Types of Sugars/Carbs:
                                                              i.      Glucose- simple molecule found in our blood
                                                            ii.      Fructose- sugar molecule naturally found in fruits & honey
                                                          iii.      Sucrose- white table sugar
                                                          iv.      High Fructose Corn Syrup- man made; 55% fructose, 42% glucose & 3% other carbs

High Fructose Corn Syrup is a huge driver to diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, ADHD, heart attacks & dementia. This toxic sugar stresses the pancreases and eventually stops the production of insulin creating diabetes. High Fructose Corn Syrup also contains a high percentage of Fructose which goes directly to the liver. When HFCS hits liver most of it gets converted to fat and causes a fatty liver. 

High Blood Sugar can lead to brain shrinkage which results in memory loss. 

The #1 source of calories in America is High Fructose Corn Syrup which is a factor of increasing glycation by 10!

b.      What is Glycation?

Glycation is the spontaneous bonding of a sugar to a protein molecule, fats and amino acids which causes them to become inflexible and mishappen. Once the protein becomes glycated it becomes the source for the dramatic increase of free radicals. Glycation speeds up the aging process and leads to wrinkles, sagginess & discolored skin.

      The Paleo Diet

a.       What is Paleo?
The true definition of the word paleo means older or ancient, especially relating to the geological past. How does this relate to food? It is basing a diet on the types of foods presumed to have been eaten by early humans to achieve optimal health results. “By following these nutritional guidelines, we put our diet more in line with the evolutionary pressures that shaped our current genetics, which in turn positively influences health and well being” says Loren Cordain, PhD. The Paleo diet consists of 4 major food groups meat, fish, fats & veggies. We want to avoid all diary, grain & processed food at all costs. 

b.      How do I make the change?
You can make the change today! We do have nutrition consultations in our office so please don’t hesitate to ask. We also recommend doing your own research before making any changes to your body. Remember this isn’t a short term diet, this is a healthy long term lifestyle you will be starting. Along with healthy nutrition you need to combine it with exercise and chiropractic care so your body will be functioning at its optimal level. You want to maximize your health potential and like anything that comes great it takes time & repetition.  Stay focused and move forward towards your goals without hesitation.


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