"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.. when diet is correct, medicine is of no need." - Ancient Proverb
- #1 epidemic in our country is lifestyle related. Malnutrition due to mineral deficiency.
- 4 out of 10 top diseases are all lifestyle related (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer).
- 5 out of 6 Americans die from heart disease or cancer
- 80% of people have a chronic disease (indigestion, constipation, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure)
- The average American takes 11 prescription medications. This does not include over the counter meds.
- Symptoms are warning signs... we don't catch a disease, we create it through what we eat, drink and how we handle stress.
A=Activation. Chiropractic adjustments of central nervous system. Nervous system functioning at 100%
B=Build body with91 nutrients a day. Repair, Regenerate, Recover.
- You are what you eat. The body needs 91 nutrients every day:
- 60 minerals
- 16 vitamins
- 12 essential amino acids
- 12 fatty acids
- The body should eliminate 8 pounds of waste daily (urine, sweat, feces)
- You should have 3-5 bowel movements a day. 1 a day is not normal.
- Constipation is toxic, acidic and a great place for bacteria and fungus to grow
- Your body will try to eliminate the toxins through the skin, mouth, by itching, vomit, etc
- 6 veggies, 2 fruits, 1 starch, and 1 protein
- 50% of the diet should be raw
- 3/4 of your plate should be vegetables. Allow these to be your carbohydrates instead of breads and cereals
- 1/4 of your plate should be protein (the size of the palm of your hand)
- Increase your intake of organic, fresh produce, and vegetables
- Eliminate canned food
- No microwaves
- Prepare food at home
- Less is better
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