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Showing posts from December, 2016

Turning Your Resolutions Into Realty

Turning Your Resolutions Into Realty Here are some questions to ask yourself when planning where you would want your health to be a year from now: What 3 words best describes your current health? What do you feel are the top 3 things that contribute to your health right now? What would you like your health to look like a year from now? What do you think you will have to do to create that level of health? How would you benefit by having health just as you described it? If we could create the level of health you say you want, what would be so good about that? What do you have at your disposal that would help you to accomplish this and to measure your progress? What could you stop doing right now that would contribute to growing your health? What could you start doing right now that would contribute to growing your health? Do you have a plan for growing your health? What would motivate you to fo...

5 Ways to Love Consciously

5 Ways to Love Consciously Adapted from 1.         Show Appreciation – Sometimes a simple ‘thank you’ can make a world of difference.   Look for the good and see how many new things you can be grateful for.   It will change your life and your relationships! 2.       Be Happy, Not Right – Here’s a simple questions for you – Would you rather be right or happy?   Don’t let pride take over and cost you a good friend or an intimate relationship.   You may be right about a topic, but if you let your friend or partner come first, you will never be wrong.   Happiness feels better than vindication. 3.       No Day But Today - What would you say to your friend or partner if you knew this was the last day you would be together? Would you complain about the television being too loud, or would you remind your partner of their value and significance? ·  ...