Wake up at the same time everyday. Sleeping in can throw off your internal rhythm. Eat a large, healthy, whole-food breakfast each day. Walk briskly outside for 30 minutes/day. Take a 20 minute nap Snack on healthy snacks regularly throughout the day. Talk "as if". Speak with an up-tone voice and say words like "great" and "fantastic." It really helps! In addition, hang out with positive people. Find someone who can really talk to about your issues- either a friend or a therapist. Avoid energy drinks and anything else with caffeine. Caffeine depletes the adrenals, causing chronic low energy. Instead, go for some alkaline, antioxidant water! Supplement your diet with organic, whole foods supplements- Greens mix, Essential Fatty Acids, and Coral Minerals. For an e xtra 3pm boost , try our Chlorella, and liquid B vitamins. Get adjusted by your chiropractor! It will ease your pain, release endorphins (feel-good chemicals), and give you a boo...