How to be Happy Change your thought process - Rather than thinking of the problems and getting desperate, imagine the best outcome and then work out what you need to do to make that happen. Your thoughts will translate into actions! See the world for what it really is - Learn how be thankful, think of all the things you have to be happy about. Relax, calm down, and take things a little slower. Lighten up - Take time to laugh at yourself and the situations you find yourself in. Laughter is a powerful and positive medicine and the calmer and more peaceful you can take things, the happier your life will be. Be yourself - You can't please everybody. Don't let criticism worry you and don't compare yourself to other people - at work or in your personal life. The only person you should be pleasing is yourself! Schedule time everyday for relaxation - Having a "relaxation" time or a "quiet time" every day strengthens you, allows the stress and t...