Research proves chiropractic adjustments affect: How you feel, How You Learn, Your memory, Your Consciousness, Your Motivation, Your Motor Control, Your Self-Awareness, How You Think, The Decisions You Make & How You Experience Touch and Pain.
Research proves chiropractic adjustments affect: How you feel, How You Learn, Your memory, Your Consciousness, Your Motivation, Your Motor Control, Your Self-Awareness, How You Think, The Decisions You Make & How You Experience Touch and Pain.
In 2014, Gay and fellow researchers concluded
“…pain-free volunteers processed thermal stimuli applied to the hand before and
after thoracic (mid-back) spinal manipulation (chiropractic spinal adjustment).
What they found was that after thoracic manipulation, serveral brain regions
demonstrated a reduction in peak BOLD (blood-oxygen-lebel-dependent) activity.
Those regions include the cingulate, insular, motor, amygdala and somatosensory
cortices, and the PAG (periaqueductal gray regions)” (p. 615).
In other words, chiropractic adjustments produced
direct and measureable effects on the central nervous system across multiple
Cingulate Cortex
Emotions, Learning, Motivation & Memory
Insular Cortex
Consciousness, homeostasis, perception, motor control,
self-awareness, cognitive, function.
Motor Cortex
Voluntary Movements
Amygdala Cortex
Memory, Decision Making, Emotional Reactions
Somatosensory Cortex
Proprio and mechano-reception, touch, temperature, pain of
the skin, epithelial, skeletal muscle, bones, joints, internal organs and
cardiovascular systems.
Periaqueductal Cortex
Ascending and descending spinothalametic tracts carrying
plain and temperature fibers
are now starting to get answers for the results that once considered
“miracles”. Research has verified that chiropractic adjustments do not deliver,
it helps the body work better
& we now know why.
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