Aim HIGH, Dream BIG! Only 3% of Americans are independently wealthy 10% live comfortably, but need to work 60% barely make a living from one month to the next 27% need support from others What's the difference? The top 3% have written, specific goals. THEY KEEP SCORE! Setting Goals: First of all, say a prayer for guidance and then site down with a piece of paper and pencil. Celar your mind and start writing short team and long term things that focus on the 6 major areas of your life... Spritiuality, Physical, Career, Family, Social, Finances. Don't be stingy or think you might be crazy, write down everything that comes to mind. Put on paper the life you want. Think BIG and just exercise faith. Now, lets dance which goals are SMART ( S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R ealistic, T rackable). For example, a health goal may be to go to the gym 3 times per week or change in diet, weight loss. Be Specific: what do you want to do? Is i...