Sugar The average American consumes 31 teaspoons per day! Here's what it does to your body: Blocks Serotonin (needed for proper sleep) Uses up valuable citamins and minerals (Vitamins B & C, Calcium & etc.) Causes dramatic rise and fall of insulin levels Leads to poor dental health Increases the risk factors for heart disease May contribute to ADHD in 20% of children Lowers zinc levels which can contribute to learning disabilities & sexual dysfunction Ferments in the intestines preventing a good immune response Increases inflammation & insulin levels H. Pylori attacks when the stomach is lined with the wrong sugar Gall stones indicate that you are making too much insulin Excess insulin irritates the artery walls causing them to go into spasm which can result in high blood pressure. Chiropractic is a major part of a healthy lifestyle, so is nutrition. Did you know we do nutrition consultations in the office? We want to get you on the healthiest t...